
Showing posts from January 7, 2012

M S Ali's Blog World: What is DNS?

M S Ali's Blog World: What is DNS?

What is DNS?

Date Submitted: 07-01-2012 DNS : The Domain Name System (DNS) provides visitors access to websites using domain names rather than IP addresses. How does DNS work? DNS translates human-speak (domain names) into computer-speak (IP addresses). Domain names are text-based names used to identify a website or Internet location. IP addresses are strings of numbers used by every computer connected to the Internet to identify a website's location and communicate with other computers and Web servers. DNS translates the text-based website or location identifier a visitor enters to the number-based IP address of the associated website or Internet location. For example, is a domain name. is an IP address associated with DNS translates the domain name to the IP address Using DNS, we can enter easily-remembered text-based domain names and reach machine-readable Internet addresses. How does D

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