How to reduce stomach FAT ?

How to reduce excess stomach fat ???

By M S Ali

Can’t wear tight T-shirts?
Do you pull in your stomach when you talk to your colleagues as if you have a flat stomach?
Getting irritated when you stand in front of a mirror? In fact, sometimes wondered who the hell is?
Come on… Don’t worry… Read on…
We have come across so many people who tend to lose confidence because of a reason: POT Belly.
Yes, it is really harmful that may reduce your confidence too…
We are damn sure that this information will definitely pave way for people who say YES to the above questions.
Why to waste time then…Let’s start the action now….

Reasons – Why does my stomach grow?

Although this question looks silly, it really has a meaning in it.
Most of the people believe that this is due to improper eating or lack of exercise. There are other reasons as well:
1.) Hereditary – Just think of your relatives, roots., if they had same issue
2.) Late night eating – Do you have a habit of having your dinner and immediately go to bed. Then this also adds value to your belly :-).
3.) Work tension – We can generally say this as ‘Stress’ – a main cause which destroys your posture.
4.) Gastrointestinal problems – This is nothing but a improper digestion.
Above mentioned causes are only major causes.
Can I reduce my stomach fat?
Yes. Of course. Why Not?
But, generally people have a mindset that I will starting working out (exercise, diet, etc.,) before one week of my trip, function, party, outing.,
No…then this is not a permanent way…


Solution - How to reduce belly fat?

Though you follow below mentioned ways, you cannot expect your belly to be invisible on the second day you start working out. (If you can do that, please suggest me :-) )
But, we are sure that you will find a noticeable difference and say WOW to yourself within a WEEK of time. Cheer up!!! And read on….
We can hear you saying “What is this? Simple solution to this is reducing what you eat….That is it. My belly is gone….ha..ha..ha”.
No...You are wrong.
Heavy dieting is the worst option to try to reduce your stomach fat. This leads to lack of vitamins, reduce metabolism in your body, reduce your energy and puts you down.
Never ever skip your breakfast. This will not reduce your stomach fat.
No Large meals:
Eat several meals a day instead of two or three LARGE meals. Because, you will have very less time to get hunger. Always eat nutrient rich meals.
No Snacks:
Avoid eating snacks, oil items.
Drink more water, this keep your hunger down and also helps in good digestion.

Exercise – Only permanent solution

1.) Jogging – You can jog for 2 to 3 kms. Slowly increase the distance.
2.) Cycling – If you are bored of jogging, you can opt for cycling.
3.) Walking fast – This doesn’t mean cat walking. :-) Walk fast, cover 2-3 kms. Slowly increase the distance.
4.) Bending –
     a.) Bend your body down, try to touch the ground without bending the knees.
     b.) Slide your body, try to touch the knees sidewise.
5.) Jumping – Jump as high as you can. Try to reach the sky :-) You feel cheer energetic, fresh.
6.) Dancing – Get into a room, lock the door, play your favorite rock song, keep the volume up, rock on. This also has an added advantage, you learn to dance :-)
7.) Abs – Rest down, relax, try to touch your leg fingers now.
Below are some of the videos which we felt best.

How to maintain flat stomach?

Reducing stomach fat looks is easy, but it is difficult to maintain it. Because, most of the people give up doing exercise and forget lose control when they look at ice creams.
Even if you eat more you need to work out more. Remember that.
Only way to maintain your stomach flat is to continue your work outs, have healthy food.


M S Ali said…
Vimochana Yathra Enthinu.. Vismaya park

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