How to close Open apps in Apple iOS7/iPhone?

Apple launched iOS 7 in September 2013, and tons of users have already downloaded and installed the update only to discover a completely new user interface. It’s the first time that Apple has radically changed the look of iOS ever since it first debuted back in 2007. Of course, though, a lot of mechanics are still the same, so experienced iOS users will still be familiar with it. However, not the same can be said for iOS novices.
In this how-to, we’ll show you how to close out of apps. It’s rather simple to do, but the method has changed a little in iOS 7 compared to iOS 6. However, it’s a lot easier and way faster this time around, allowing you to be quite the app-closing ninja.

How to Close Apps

To close an app, just simply press the Home button to get back to the home screen. If the app is in a folder, you’ll have to press the Home button twice in order to get back to the home screen, since you have to travel back out through the folder before you can get to the home screen.

Watch this Video to know How to Close:

However, this doesn’t close out of the app all the way. Pressing the Home button to exit out of an app doesn’t completely close it out; it still stays running in the background, that way it’s still up and running if you ever want to go back in. To completely close an app, double-click on the Home button. This will bring up iOS 7′s new multitasking tray.
You can scroll through the multitasking tray horizontally and look at all the apps that are currently open. Each app includes a preview card and the app’s icon below it. To close out of an app, simply swipe the preview card of an app upward to completely close it.

Why You Want to Close Apps

Not only does closing out apps free up the multitasking tray from junk, but it also saves on processing resources, thus saving on battery life. The more apps you have running in the background, the more CPU usage is being used, meaning that the battery needs to churn out more juice so that the CPU can do such a job.
Of course, we wouldn’t recommend getting into an OCD habit of completely closing out apps every time you exit one, but it’s a good idea to go through the multitasking tray at the end of the day and close out any apps that you’re not using, that way your phone can relax a little through the night so that you’ll still have some battery left over for the morning.
-M S Ali
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